We have recently been performing Aerial Inspection services for the 'Transform 66 Outside the Beltway' Project here in Northern Virginia! Our tiny role in this huge project headed by the Virginia Department of Transportation was to collect photographic inspections of key bridge components at major intersections along I-66 in Fairfax and Prince William County. Some of the locations required FAA Airspace Waivers to operate our drones within the DC FRZ, as I-66 is one of the most important highways to access Washington, DC. Check out some of the pics of us in action!
Our goal in this project was to get the drone (prop guards installed!) up into some tricky spots in and around the bridge structures... some not much bigger than the drone itself! It takes an incredible amount of patience and skill to operate a remote UAS under these circumstances. Slow and steady wins the race on this one.
The Transform 66 Inside the Beltway project transforms Interstate 66 between I-495 and Gainesville into a multimodal corridor with express lanes, shared-use paths, interchange improvements, and new park-and-ride lots. To improve the overall infrastructure of the highway system, a lane was added to I-66 East between the Dulles Toll Road and Fairfax Drive, improved access to the West Falls Church Metrorail Station, and constructed/improved countless bridges including a new connection over Route 29 for the W&OD Trail!
Don't hesitate to call on Edwin Photography for your next big project!
Check out the project on the Virginia Department of Transportation website:
Published on March 10th, 2024 • 0 Comments
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